Seoul, Republic of Korea • (82) 10-2588-6921 •
Develop Azar application API Backend Server.
Research for GAN (Generative Adversial Networks), Deep Learning and Data Augmentation.
NANS Project (N-App N-Screen)
Refactor and research for Android multi-screen platform for Android 7.1
Modify AOSP and Lineage OS to launch and display multiple forward apps on multiple displays
REIVN (Reverse Engineering for In-Vehicle Network)
Research for reverse engineering of IVN
Develop auto generator FlexRay spec (.FIBEX) from ASCII signal and CAN spec (.DBC).
GPA : 3.75 (Majors : 3.81) / 4.3
Develop entire web page.
- React, Redux, Saga
Renewal entire web page.
- React, Redux, Saga
Increase effectiveness supervised and unsupervised learning by customizing TLDA and ADDA Model based on medical big data.
- Pytorch
Poster Link
Develop admin page for seirenlounge.
- Angular, RxJS, D3JS
Develop voting board stickers auto counter and analyzer.
- Matlab, Computer Vision, K-means Clustering
Final Report
Develop small group SNS supporting sign in, sign up, chat, newsfeed and hashtag.
- React, Redux, Saga, Django, Agile
Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, MSA, MySQL, Dynamo DB, AWS, GCP
JS, Angular, React, Redux
Django, React Native, Vue